[DV-1668] (English subbed) (Scene 3) Rape Academy Culture Festival Strip Show Female Teacher Volume Yui Tatsumi

[DV-1668] (English subbed) (Scene 3) Rape Academy Culture Festival Strip Show Female Teacher Volume Yui Tatsumi

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153,222 views Posted: June 15, 2018

This is the third and final scene of DV-1668, in which the female teacher Tatsumi Yui joins up the students festival. Tatsumi-sensei has the ultimate show for the students: A live striptease + live-sex show.

Very appropriate for high-school students, huh?… You rock!, Tatsumi-sensei…

Scenes 1 +2 can be followed up here = DV-1668.

As a whole, this is a very good ending for a good DVD, especially if you followed up scenes 1 and 2. That’s why I regret chopping up this video, which was a huge mistake and I apologize. Ah, well… :p



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6 years ago

the filejoker link is dead. Can you please repost

6 years ago

hello, the download link is dead… can u please reupload??? thank you

6 years ago

Dear admin.
Thank you for the video, i love it. Can you add rapid video and bp video format please.

6 years ago

Dear admin
Add rapid video and bp video format please

6 years ago

Yeps, need rapid or bp video
Openload can’t work, you have a very great job brother

5 years ago

Can you please sub more of Yui Tatsumi, my favorite! Alot of her video are HD so I hope it will inspire you, thanks for all your continued work!

Papa Bear
4 years ago

Can you recombine Scenes 1 and 2 with Scene 3? Nice to have all in one place.

4 years ago

More subtitle videos plzzzzz

Jonni P
4 years ago

Admin, upgig plz

Jonni P
4 years ago

No upgig my friend

4 years ago

I just discovered Tatsumi today after finding some of her movies with the mosaics removed. So I headed over to JAVGURU (my favorite site) to look for more. And to my delight, there is a translated scene, never stop being awesome JAVGURU.

3 years ago

This video is great, tatsumi make a great “teacher.” I would like to see her performance in DV-1615 subbed (at least scene 4, she has a very “come & get it” vibe going on at the beginning of that scene, I’d like to know exactly what she is saying as she entices all the boys out of their seats and as they surround her).

3 years ago

Another part please…….

3 years ago

Good vid. Jav should do more striptease type format like this.