There are just so many comments by a different Mike on the site lately. Been wondering how many comments will be posted to the site in the near or even distant future by a “different” Mike. . . On May 16, when I woke in California, there had already been 37 comments posted, from 10:36 a.m GMT until 9:00 p.m. GMT. using the name “Mike.” Listed them a few days later at the comment “Mike” They ended up over 40. . . The troll seems to have undertaken this course of cluttering the site with tiny unneeded posts using the name “Mike” after commenting on May 14 at 12:13 p.m.: “Mike Other ‘mike’ why do you troll? Is it bc i am an annoying featherhead and comment on every jav video ever made?” As if commenting here on this site using a stable, recurring User Name is an irrestible invitation for continuing obsession for the name-taking, name-switching troll. So it looks for now like the troll is trying to create its falsehood, trying to make it look like I was “commenting on every jav video” – using my name – as one of its further methods of trolling the site.… Read more »
This Kupa what?
There are just so many comments by a different Mike on the site lately. Been wondering how many comments will be posted to the site in the near or even distant future by a “different” Mike. . . On May 16, when I woke in California, there had already been 37 comments posted, from 10:36 a.m GMT until 9:00 p.m. GMT. using the name “Mike.” Listed them a few days later at the comment “Mike” They ended up over 40. . . The troll seems to have undertaken this course of cluttering the site with tiny unneeded posts using the name “Mike” after commenting on May 14 at 12:13 p.m.: “Mike Other ‘mike’ why do you troll? Is it bc i am an annoying featherhead and comment on every jav video ever made?” As if commenting here on this site using a stable, recurring User Name is an irrestible invitation for continuing obsession for the name-taking, name-switching troll. So it looks for now like the troll is trying to create its falsehood, trying to make it look like I was “commenting on every jav video” – using my name – as one of its further methods of trolling the site.… Read more »